Interesting article by Andy Campbell asking if The Force will Awaken HR.
Advanced analytics is an area HR must embrace to not only give more insights into the people across the organisation but also predict likely outcomes.
It is too late to sift through exit interviews and find out why people are leaving. There are tell-tale signs beforehand and having the data and analysing it will highlight people in danger of leaving. HR then has time to engage with each employee and find out the reasons for dissatisfaction.
The hard facts from structured data are one thing but unless you analyse unstructured data HR only has partial information. The free-text information in performance reviews and manager meetings is one such example.
Unlocking HR with The Force of Analytics should be a priority for HR in 2016
Advanced data analytics will enter the HR mainstream. HR will play an increasingly strategic role as businesses seek any and all means to compete effectively and improve organisational performance. Executives favor a ‘facts based’ approach to decision making and HR teams need to ask themselves whether they have the right data to get the insights they need to create a strategic talent management strategy that will attract, retain and develop high-quality employees. In 2016, businesses need to ensure they have the capabilities to understand what drives employee engagement, and what they should do to promote it. The adoption of big data analytics will gather pace.