Interesting report commissioned by LinkedIn, focusing on US companies and clients, usual stats in how the top performing sales people are now using multiple tools & technology to succeed, what is notable is the rise in positive perception by clients & targets in sales people using social technology to learn, share & engage.

Over 60% view engagement via a social channel as a positive approach.

Over 60% cite the sales person must have an informative LinkedIn profile to be viewed positively.

Also, cold calling is basically dead and referral selling is viewed far more positively.

Over 40% of decision makers are up to 70% more likely to respond to a referral introduction.

Over 35% of decision makers are over more than 70% likely to respond to a referral introduction.

Over 80% of decision makers are less then 30% or never, likely to respond to a cold call.

You can download the full report from LinkedIn below.